Tuesday 3 May 2016

Main task - CD Digipak

For part of our main task we had to create a CD Digipak. We created this using the canon 5500 DSLR and then importing the images we had taken into the Photoshop program (I speak about this in more detail in an earlier post), I hope you enjoy the finished product as much as we do. These are the 6 pages shown individually.

This is the final Front cover of our CD booklet. All of the pages of the booklet you can see here are in a sizing template to make sure they fit correctly in a plastic Cd case. 

This is the first and second pages of our interior booklet, with the chorus of each song clearly written including the track number so it can be easily identified.

This is the 3rd page of our interior booklet and our acknowledgments page saying thank you to everybody that was involved in the production of the video and tasks.

This is the exterior rear cover of our Digipak I included a track list, so the tracks could be easily identifiable when listening to the CD.

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