Friday 22 April 2016

Evaluation Question 1 : In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I used the Pixton website to answer this question, Which allows users to create their own comic book type cartoons. In this answer I have explored the different ways in which our media product did and didn't adhere to the normal conventions associated with real media products.
 We also created a short video answering question 1 as a group, I have included this on my blog as well as my pixton as the video helps to portray the ideas we had as a group and how we shared these ideas. It also demonstrates which views our whole group shared and which views we didn't which I did find quite interesting. Of course we all had different roles within the groups and it is interesting to see how these roles influenced the way in which we interpreted certain parts of our music video. On a separate note we used the green screen whilst filming this video and have incorporated our main film onto the screen, this hopefully helps to demonstrate the points we were making and the parts of the video we were discussing.

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