Thursday 4 February 2016

Works in progress

Cd covers and insert

Firstly we took a number of different shots so we had a range to choose from for our CD front and back cover. We eventually decided on the picture of us all in the back of a car for the back cover and the car as a whole for the front cover.

Originally we had decided to use the plain pictures unedited with some writing saying 'Dryboy-Sign On' on a layer over the top of the picture using Photoshop. However we later decided against this as it didn't look very interesting. We began to experiment with different effects using the Photoshop program. We discovered that using the drawing tool to outline everything in the picture gave the 'cartoon' effect we were looking for.

We then proceeded to outline everything on the image we had chosen top use for the front cover. Again we used Photoshop to do this, it gave us the great cartoon effect we were looking for. We thought this effect fit well with the band and artist as it portrays a sense of fun and childishness. After completing all of the outlining on our faces the car and the clothing. I then proceeded to include some animations such as the baseball bat, cigarette packet and bottle of liquor, this creates synergy between our products as it maintains a sense of rebellion.

Lastly I began to experiment with different fonts and different styles of typography. I then came to the decision of creating my own font and imagery freehand using photoshop. For the writing itself I used the straight line tool and conneceted the lines which was relatively straightforwaerd. I then proceeded to create the pollution bubble the writing is ontop of the second layer which has the bubble on and the first layer which contains the original image.

I thuroughly enjoyed this process it enabled me to significant develop my skills when using the photoshop program. Although i had previously used photoshop for my AS media project,i used ony basic editing tools and didnt acquire the skills required to fully manipulate an image, When making this imge i used a base image and added 4 layers onto the top of this,  although i had used layers before on my AS project i had not learnt that you can move them incorporate multiple layers into a single one or even seperate existing layers. I feel this task helped to develop my skills as well s create a fantastic looking final product which i thouroughly enjoyed creating.

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