Monday 1 February 2016

Shooting Locations

We are going to be using a number of different locations when shooting our music video. This post is showing those locations and aiding us in choosing which locations would be the best for filming our music video.
Image result for city derelict architecture
Image result for urban derelict architectureImage result for city derelict architectureThe group decided as a whole that we need locations that are quite varied in architecture, surronding and the setting.                                    
Our first potential location was an abandoned warehouse/factory on the outskirts of our local town. Obviously this location had some risks involved . We did not know if the structure was safe to enter or if there were any dangerous materials used in the building , such as asbestos. Although there were a number of positives nto choosing this location. It would be unlikely that we would be disturbed or interrupted during filming at this location, meaning we could film more efficiently and not have to worry about the publics rights of being filmed. Another advantage was the actual setting itself, this was a very urban seting with exposed metalwork and brickwork everywhere this gave us the urban feel we were looking for , for our video. The graffiti that seemed to be on every exposed wall also helped as our video was going to be aimed at teenagers , the graffiti helped to give us a sense of rebellion.
DSC03212 (declanking) Tags: street building brick art abandoned metal wagon graffiti paint outdoor decay tag railway spray warehouse works lettering graff derelict chesterfield corrugated urbex chatsworthwagonworks
Abandoned Warehouse
DSC03232 (declanking) Tags: street building brick art abandoned metal wagon graffiti paint outdoor decay tag railway spray warehouse works lettering graff derelict chesterfield corrugated urbex chatsworthwagonworks
Abandoned Warehouse
DSC03235 (declanking) Tags: street building brick art abandoned metal wagon graffiti paint outdoor decay tag railway spray warehouse works lettering graff derelict chesterfield corrugated urbex chatsworthwagonworks
Abandoned Warehouse
Our second potential location is in our local town centre and it is an alleyway behind a large restaurant, what drew us to this location was the exposed brickwork and graffiti covered walls, which again was the same as the abandoned warehouse, however this gave a feeling of city life and a living, changing and everygrowing location as you can see surrounding buildings whereas at the warehouse it is a derelict, abandonedd site with no life or movement. we plan to use this location for the lip syncing scenes as it offers a good backdrop. Aswell as a good mise en scene, it will create a sense of community invovement that may appeal to our consumers. As our consumers are regarded as 'indie' they may not fit into society as well as other consumers who follow a 'pop' culture. We hope to demonstrate that our group as a band do nit fit correctly into society either and hopefully show the consumers there is nothing wrong with this.
Image result for brick alleyway
Image result for graffiti alleyway

We plan to use a number of locations for short clips that correspond with the location, for example in the song one of the lines is 'lost my job in Wetherspoons'. We plan to film a clip actually outside our local Wetherspoons restaurant for this particular in of lyrics. We have also considered ideas such as filmig in a vintage or 'thrift' shop, in order to correspond with the line: 'live my life in secondhand clothes'. Another idea that we have disscussed is for the lines 'nothing on the telly' and 'barely at school' we will give quite a literal interpration through the video. For the line regarding school we will show a band member walking off of a school property and for the line 'nothing on the telly' we may show one of the band members on television screen repeating the line. We believe this literal approach will be easier to understand for some younger viewers and may be found humuorous or creative by the majority of our consumers. Another example of this is there is a line of lyrics within the song that says 'since that day my bank has hit zero' we plan to film one of our actors walking up to a cash machine and showing a balance of £0.00 , then walking away showing a disgruntled expression.

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