Thursday 9 July 2015

Recommended music videos
Rat boy-Sign on

These screenshots  taken from the video demonstrates some of the camera angles used during the video. The camera changes direction quite a lot but also switches to different locations frequently as well as this editing is also fat paced. I believe all this is used to show a stereotypical teenagers life and how fast paced their lives are but most importantly it is showing a main aspect of fun. I believe by doing this viewer will associate this song with fun and will encourage them to listen to it more. Although there is also a deeper meaning to the song although on first impressions it is seen to represent fun, if the lyrics are actually listened to and understood it talks about people signing on the dole maybe giving the meaning of showing  how much  pressure teenagers have loaded onto them to make decisions about their future and that quite simply the easiest option would be to live off benefits. The second screenshot I believe demonstrates that teenagers need an escape from their lives and this can be something as simple as messing around with friends and cars.
Demi Lovato-Neon Lights

I believe this video is aimed at the younger generation perhaps 10-15 year olds with all of the bright colours and coloured lights to draw the viewers in and show a sort of nightclub scene which will encourage the viewer to have fun and party and portrays the idea of living whilst you are young. The fact that this video also incorporates some obvious signs of technology such as the screenshot showing the smart watch and smartphone shows that this maybe being used to advertise theses devices and demonstrate to the viewer that if you have these you are like Demi Lovato. The videos camera movements and shots demonstrate fun and jumping and dancing and feeling the music much like rat boys video but more club/ dance orientated. The editing used in the video is also very fast paced and jumpy again I believe this is too demonstrate how fast paced ,fun and wild teenagers lives can be , although this is aimed at a younger target audience I still believe older people will watch it but mainly it is used to excite the younger generation to look forward to when they are old enough to got to parties and clubbing.

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