Permission requesting email
This is an email I sent to the artist of our song Ratboy, requesting permission to use his song Sign On as the song for our Music video production. I have sent the email and I hope to receive a reply allowing us to use his song as it is being used for non profit purposes , therefore I cannot see why the artist would have a problem with us using the video.
Here is an example of the law of copyright referring to the use of songs In anything other than the original music video.
Sound is important in a music video, with the technology of today and the availability of music and other forms of audio on the Internet, it is very easy to find and use music. However, it is easy to infringe on somebody else's copyright rights. At all opportunities you should try to create your own audio to go with your own production work.
Although this law states that it is not right to use somebody else's own audio productions. We have requested permission from the artist himself via the email above. Therefore if the artist reply's to this email and allows us to use their song to go with our music video product, we are not breaching any copyright laws.